Railway Data Analysis
Don’t respond to the myths – go with solutions that are cost-effective and address the biggest issues!
We can help you make better use of recorders fitted on trains, such as the OTMR (On-Train Monitoring Recorder) fitted in the UK to comply with Railway Group Standard GM/RT2472. As well as its original purpose of incident investigation, we can show you how to use the OTMR to gain a business benefit. This may be a continuing need to understand unexplained delays, or highlight driver actions that don’t meet the company’s standards, or obtain firm evidence that the timetable is just not achievable! The recorded data covers all the critical aspects – the driver, the signalling systems, and the train itself – to provide answers without the need for additional train monitoring systems.
The OTMR is fitted already; why not make it work for you all the time, not just when an incident arises?